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Book title: Understanding Financial Markets & Instruments
Author: Braam van den Berg

From personal contact with people and institutions in the financial markets over the past few years, I have come the realisation that a lack of basic knowledge about the markets exists.  Very few references are available about the basics of the South African financial markets in particular.  This book evolved over a period of time wherein I had contact with many extremely knowledgeable and successful people in the markets and instruments.

Anything will sound complicated and difficult when it is not clearly understood.  An explanation of the working and practical application of derivatives (which is not as complicated as it seems!) is therefore included in this book.  Discussions of the practical application of instruments and the trading systems are also included to ensure that the book has application value in practice.

Many thanks to my friends and partners who contributed vastly to the end product.  My sincere appreciation to my father, Dr Martin van den Berg, whose experience and knowledge I hold the greatest regard and who was not afraid to correct me.  Adriaan Kruger of Huysamer Stalls, professor Danie Coetzee of RAU, Gavin Bower of Anglo American, Etienne Dreyer of PLJ Financial Services and the advisory board of the Academy of Financial Markets all deserve special words of thanks for their valuable contributions.  Inspiration and encouragement came from my wife, Christa, and from publisher Christo Esterhuizen to whom I am especially grateful.

In acknowledgement of the grace of my Saviour, I quote from Psalm 37: 5 "Commit your way to the Lord, trust also in Him, and He shall bring it to pass."


Courses and training in Financial Markets, Instruments, Investments and Derivatives are supplied by the Academy of Financial Markets.  They can be contacted on or via their web site.  New developments in the Financial Markets are incorporated in updates (see index) of this book and can be obtained from The Academy of Financial Markets.