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Bank Debenture Trading Programs

Real investment opportunity or scam?
Study the following information and decide for yourself.

Bank Debentures and Private Placements are different names for the same thing. The so called High Yield Investment Programmes (HYIP).

They do not exist!
You will loose money if you fall for the smooth talk of a scam artist or dubious broker!
Walk away from these "deals" and do not let your greed (or need) for money get the better of you!

Recommended reading:

The Informed Investor - "Prime Bank" Scams
View of FBI on "Letter of Credit" and "Prime Bank Note"
Investment Scheme Advisory Alert by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York
"Prime bank" schemes
ICC alert on "Prime Bank Instrument" scams
Uncovering secret market fraud - Price Waterhousecoopers
SEC - So-Called "Limited Edition" United States Treasury Securities
SEC on Primebank