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Trading and Capital-Markets Activities Manual

Capital-Markets Activities: Futures Brokerage Activities and Futures Commission Merchants 
Source: Federal Reserve System 
(The complete Activities Manual (pdf format) can be downloaded from the Federal Reserve's web site)

Bank holding company subsidiaries, banks (generally through operating subsidiaries), Edge Act corporations, and foreign banking organizations (FBOs) operating in the United States may operate futures brokerage and clearing services involving a myriad of financial and non-financial futures contracts and options on futures. These activities can involve futures exchanges and clearinghouses throughout the world. In general, most institutions conduct these activities as futures commission merchants (FCMs). FCM is the term used in the Commodity Exchange Act to refer to registered firms that are in the business of soliciting or accepting orders, as broker, for the purchase or sale of any exchange-traded futures contract and options on futures contracts. In connection with these activities, institutions may hold customer funds, assets, or property and may be members of futures exchanges and their associated clearinghouses. They may also offer related advisory services as registered commodity trading advisors (CTAs). 

The Federal Reserve has a supervisory interest in ensuring that the banking organizations subject to its oversight conduct their futures brokerage activities safely and soundly consistent with Regulations Y and K (including any terms and conditions contained in Board orders for a particular organization). Accordingly, a review of futures brokerage activities is an important element for inspections of bank holding companies (BHCs), examinations of state member banks, and reviews of FBO operations. The following guidance on evaluating the futures brokerage activities of bank holding company subsidiaries, branches and agencies of foreign banks operating in the United States, or any operating subsidiaries of state member banks provides a list of procedures that may be used to tailor the scope of an examination or inspection of these activities at individual institutions. For the purposes of this discussion, the term FCM activities is used in a broad context and refers to all of an institution's futures brokerage activities and operations. 


Examiners are instructed to take a risk-based examination approach to evaluating FCM activities-including brokerage, clearing, funds management, and advisory activities. Significant emphasis should be placed on evaluating the adequacy of management and the management processes used to control the credit, market, liquidity, legal, reputational, and operations risks entailed in these operations. Both the adequacy of risk management and the quantitative level of risk exposures should be assessed as appropriate to the scope of the FCM's activities. The objectives of a particular inspection or examination should dictate the FCM activities to be reviewed and set the scope of the inspection. 

Examiners are also instructed to take a functional-regulatory approach to minimize duplicative inspection and supervisory burdens. Reviews and reports of functional regulators should be used to their fullest extent. However, absent recent oversight inspection, or if an examiner believes particular facts and circumstances at the banking organization or in the marketplace deem it necessary, a review of operations that would normally be assessed by the appropriate commodities regulator may be appropriate (such as review of front- or back-office operations). 

When futures brokerage occurs in more than one domestic or foreign affiliate, examiners should assess the adequacy of the management of the futures brokerage activities of the consolidated financial organization to ensure that the parent organization recognizes and effectively manages the risks posed by its various futures subsidiaries. Accordingly, in reviewing futures brokerage operations, examiners should identify all bank holding company, bank operating, or FBO subsidiaries that engage in FCM activities and the scope of those activities. Not all subsidiaries may need to be reviewed to assess the risk management of the consolidated organization. Selection of the particular FCM subsidiaries to be reviewed should be based on an assessment of the risks posed by their activities to the consolidated organization. 

This guidance primarily addresses the assessment of activities associated with futures brokerage operations. Any proprietary trading that occurs at an FCM should be assessed in connection with the review of proprietary trading activities of the consolidated financial organization, using the appropriate guidance from other sections of this manual. Similarly, when a review of futures advisory activities is planned, examiners should refer to investment advisory inspection guidance in the Bank Holding Company Supervision Manual and the Trust Examination Manual as appropriate.


Consistent with existing Federal Reserve policies, examiners should evaluate the risk-management practices of FCM operations and ensure that this evaluation is incorporated appropriately in the rating of risk management under the bank (CAMELS), BHC (BOPEC), and FBO (ROCA) rating systems. Accordingly, examiners should place primary consideration on findings related to the adequacy of (1) board and senior management oversight; (2) policies, procedures, and limits used to control risks; (3) risk measurement, monitoring, and reporting systems; and (4) internal controls and audit programs. General considerations in each of these areas are discussed below. 

Board and Senior Management Oversight 

The board of directors has the ultimate responsibility for the level of risks taken by the institution. Accordingly, the board, a designated subcommittee of the board, or a high level of senior management should approve overall business strategies and significant policies that govern risk-taking in the institution's FCM activities. In particular, the board or a committee thereof should approve policies that identify authorized activities and managerial oversight, and articulate risk tolerances and exposure limits of FCM activities. The board should also actively monitor the performance and risk pro-file of its FCM activities. Directors and senior management should periodically review information that is sufficiently detailed and timely to allow them to understand and assess the various risks involved in these activities. In addition, the board or a delegated committee should periodically re-evaluate the institution's business strategies and major risk-management policies and procedures, emphasizing the institution's financial objectives and risk tolerances. 

For their part, senior management is responsible for ensuring that policies and procedures for conducting FCM activities on both a long-range and day-to-day basis are adequate. These policies should be approved and reviewed annually by senior management or a designated subcommittee of the board; the consistency of these policies with parent-company limits or other directions pertaining to the FCM's activities should be confirmed. Management must also maintain (1) clear lines of authority and responsibility for managing operations and the risks involved, (2) appropriate limits on risk-taking, (3) adequate systems and standards for measuring and tracking risk exposures and measuring financial performance, (4) effective internal controls, and (5) a comprehensive risk-reporting and risk-management review process. To provide adequate oversight, management should fully understand the risk profile of their FCM activities. Examiners should review reports to senior management and evaluate whether the reports provide both good summary information and sufficient detail to enable management to assess and manage the FCM's risk. As part of their oversight responsibilities, senior management should periodically review the organization's risk-management procedures to ensure that they remain appropriate and sound. 

Management should also ensure that activities are conducted by competent staff whose technical knowledge and experience are consistent with the nature and scope of the institution's activities. There should be sufficient depth in staff resources to manage these activities if key personnel are not available. Management should also ensure that back-office and financial-control resources are sufficient to effectively manage and control risks. Risk-measurement, monitoring, and control functions should have clearly defined duties. Separation of duties in key elements of the risk-management process should be adequate to avoid potential conflicts of interest. The nature and scope of these safeguards should be in accordance with the scope of the FCM's activities. 

Policies, Procedures, and Limits 

FCMs should maintain written policies and procedures that clearly outline their approach for managing futures brokerage and related activities. Such policies should be consistent with the organization's broader business strategies, capital adequacy, technical expertise, and general willingness to take risk. Policies, procedures, and limits should address the relevant credit, market, liquidity, reputation, and operations risks in light of the scope and complexity of the FCM's activities. Policies and procedures should establish a logical framework for limiting the various risks involved in an FCM's activities and clearly delineate lines of responsibility and authority over these activities. They should also address the approval of new product lines, strategies, and other activities; conflicts of interest including transactions by employees; and compliance with all applicable legal requirements. Procedures should incorporate and implement the parent company's relevant policies, and should be consistent with Federal Reserve Board regulations and any applicable Board orders. 

A sound system of integrated limits and risk-taking guidelines is an essential component of the risk-management process. This system should set boundaries for organizational risk-taking and ensure that positions that exceed certain predetermined levels receive prompt management attention, so they can be either reduced or prudently addressed. 

Risk Measurement, Monitoring, and Reporting 

An FCM's system for measuring the credit, market, liquidity, and other risks involved in its activities should be as comprehensive and accurate as practicable and should be commensurate with the nature of its activities. Risk exposures should be aggregated across customers, products, and activities to the fullest extent possible. Examiners should evaluate whether the risk measures and the risk-measurement process are sufficiently robust to reflect accurately the different types of risks facing the institution. Institutions should establish clear standards for measuring risk exposures and financial performance. Standards should provide a common framework for limiting and monitoring risks and should be understood by all relevant personnel. 

An accurate, informative, and timely management information system is essential to the prudent operation of an FCM. Accordingly, the examiner's assessment of the quality of the management information system is an important factor in the overall evaluation of the risk-management process. Appropriate mechanisms should exist for reporting risk exposures and the financial performance of the FCM to its board and parent company, as well as for internal management purposes. FCMs must establish management reporting policies to apprise their boards of directors and senior management of material developments, the adequacy of risk management, operating and financial performance, and material deficiencies identified during reviews by regulators and by internal or external audits. The FCM should also provide reports to the parent company (or in the case of foreign-owned FCMs, to its U.S. parent organization, if any) of financial performance; adherence to risk parameters and other limits and controls established by the parent for the FCM; and any material developments, including findings of material deficiencies by regulators. Examiners should determine the adequacy of an FCM's monitoring and reporting of its risk exposure and financial performance to appropriate levels of senior management and to the board of directors. 

Internal Controls 

An FCM's internal-control structure is critical to its safe and sound functioning in general and to its risk-management system, in particular. Establishing and maintaining an effective system of controls, including the enforcement of official lines of authority and appropriate separation of duties-such as trading, custodial, and back-office -is one of management's more important responsibilities. Appropriately segregating duties is a fundamental and essential element of a sound risk-management and internal-control system. Failure to implement and maintain an adequate separation of duties can constitute an unsafe and unsound practice, possibly leading to serious losses or otherwise compromising the financial integrity of the FCM. 

When properly structured, a system of internal controls promotes effective operations and reliable financial and regulatory reporting, safeguards assets, and helps to ensure compliance with relevant laws, regulations, and institutional policies. Ideally, internal controls are tested by an independent internal auditor who reports directly to either the institution's board of directors or its designated committee. Personnel who perform these reviews should generally be independent of the function they are assigned to review. Given the importance of appropriate internal controls to banking organizations of all sizes and risk profiles, the results of audits or reviews, whether conducted by an internal auditor or by other personnel, should be adequately documented, as should management's responses to them. In addition, communication channels should allow negative or sensitive findings to be reported directly to the board of directors or the relevant board committee. 


Futures exchanges provide auction markets for standardized futures and options on futures contracts. In the United States and most other countries, futures exchanges and FCMs are regulated by a governmental agency. Futures exchanges are membership organizations and impose financial and other regulatory requirements on members, particularly those that do business for customers as brokers. In the United States and most other countries, futures exchanges also have quasi-governmental (self-regulatory) responsibilities to monitor trading and prevent fraud, with the authority to discipline or sanction members that violate exchange rules. FCMs may be members of the exchange on which they effect customers' trades. When they are not members, FCMs must use other firms who are exchange members to execute customer trades.

Each futures exchange has an affiliated clearinghouse responsible for clearing and settling trades on the exchange and managing associated risks. When a clearinghouse accepts transaction information from its clearing members, it generally guarantees the performance of the transaction to each member and becomes the counterparty to the trade (that is, the buyer to every seller and the seller to every buyer). Daily cash settlements are paid or collected by clearing members through the clearinghouse. The cash transfers represent the difference between the original trade price and the daily official closing settlement price for each commodity futures contract. The two members settle their sides of the transaction with the clearinghouse, usually by closing out the position before delivery of the futures contract or the expiration of the option on the futures contract. 

An exchange member that wishes to clear or settle transactions for itself, customers, other FCMs, or commodity professionals (locals or market makers) may become a member of the affiliated clearinghouse (clearing member) if it is able to meet the clearinghouse's financial eligibility requirements. In general, these requirements are more stringent than those required for exchange membership. For example, a clearing member usually is required to maintain a specified amount of net capital in excess of the regulatory required minimum and to make a guaranty deposit as part of the financial safeguards of the clearinghouse. The size of the deposit is related to the scale of the clearing member's activity. If it is not a member of the clearinghouse for the exchange on which a contract is executed, an FCM must arrange for another FCM that is a clearing member to clear and settle its transactions. 

Margin requirements are an important risk-management tool for maintaining the financial integrity of clearinghouses and their affiliated exchanges. Clearinghouses require that their members post initial margin (performance bond) on a new position to cover potential credit exposures borne by the clearinghouse. The clearing firm, in turn, requires its customers to post margin. At the end of each day, and on some exchanges on an intraday basis, all positions are marked to the market. Clearing members with positions that have declined in value pay that amount in cash to the clearinghouse, which then pays the clearing members holding positions that have increased in value on that day. This process of transferring gains and losses among clearing-member firms, known as collecting variation margin, is intended to periodically eliminate credit-risk exposure from the clearinghouse.  In volatile markets, a clearinghouse may call for additional variation margin during the trading day, sometimes with only one hour's notice, and failure to meet a variation (or initial) margin call is treated as a default to the clearinghouse. 

Some clearinghouses also require that their members be prepared to pay loss-sharing assessments to cover losses sustained by the clearinghouse in meeting the settlement obligations of a clearing member that has defaulted on its (or its customers') obligations. Such assessments arise when losses exceed the resources of defaulting members, the guaranty fund, and other surplus funds of the clearinghouse. Each clearinghouse has its own unique loss-sharing rules. At least one U.S. and one foreign exchange have unlimited loss-sharing requirements. Most U.S. clearinghouses relate loss-sharing requirements to the size of a member's business at the clearinghouse. Given the potential drain on an institution's financial resources, the exposure to loss sharing agreements should be a significant consideration in an institution's decision to become a clearing member. 


In the United States, the primary regulator of exchange-traded futures activities is the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC), which was created by and derives its authority from the Commodity Exchange Act (CEA). The CFTC has adopted registration, financial responsibility, antifraud, disclosure, and other rules for FCMs and CTAs, and has general enforcement authority over commodities firms and professionals that buy or sell exchange-traded futures contracts. 

The futures exchanges, in addition to providing a marketplace for futures contracts, are deemed to be self-regulatory organizations (SROs) under the CEA. For example, a number of SROs have adopted detailed uniform practice rules for FCMs, including ''know your customer'' recordkeeping rules and other formal customer-disclosure requirements. The National Futures Association (NFA) also is an SRO, although it does not sponsor a futures exchange or other marketplace. The NFA has adopted sales-practice rules applicable to members who do business with customers. All FCMs that wish to accept orders and hold customer funds and assets must be members of the NFA. 

The CEA and rules of the CFTC require the SROs to establish and maintain enforcement and surveillance programs for their markets and to oversee the financial responsibility of their members.  The CFTC has approved an arrangement under which a designated SRO (DSRO) is responsible for performing on-site audits and reviewing periodic reports of a member FCM that is a member of more than one futures exchange. The NFA is the DSRO for FCMs that are not members of any futures exchange. 

Oversight of FCMs is accomplished through annual audits by the DSRO and the filing of periodic financial statements and early warning reports by FCMs, in compliance with CFTC and SRO rules. In summary, this oversight encompasses the following three elements. 

1. Full-scope audits at least once every other year of each FCM that carries customer accounts. Audit procedures conform to a Uniform Audit Guide developed jointly by the SROs. The full-scope audit focuses on the firm's net capital computations, segregation of customer funds and property, financial reporting, recordkeeping, and operations. 

The audit also reviews sales practices (including customer records, disclosures, advertisements, and customer complaints) and the adequacy of employee supervision. The audit's scope should reflect the FCM's prior compliance history as well as the examiner's on-site evaluation of the firm's internal controls. During the off-year, the DSROs perform limited scope audits of member FCMs. This audit is limited to financial matters such as a review of the FCM's net capital computations, segregation of customer funds, and its books and records. 

2. FCM quarterly financial reporting requirements. FCMs are required to file quarterly financial statements (form 1-FR-FCM) with their DSROs. The fourth-quarter statement must be filed as of the close of the FCM's fiscal year and must be certified by an independent public accountant. The filings generally include statements regarding changes in ownership equity, current financial condition, changes in liabilities subordinated to claims of general creditors, computation of minimum net capital, segregation requirements and funds segregated for customers, secured amounts and funds held in separate accounts, and any other material information relevant to the firm's financial condition. The certified year-end financial report also must contain statements of income and cash flows. 

3. Early warning reports. FCMs are required to notify the CFTC and the SROs when certain financial weaknesses are experienced.8 For example, if an FCM's net capital falls to a specified warning level, it must file a written notice within five business days and file monthly financial reports (form 1-FR-FCM) until its net capital meets or exceeds the warning level for a full three months. If an FCM's net capital falls below the minimum required, it must cease doing business and give telegraphic notice to the CFTC and any commodities or securities SRO of which it is a member. Similar notices must be given by a clearing organization or carrying FCM when it determines that a position of an FCM must be liquidated for failure to meet a margin call or other required deposit. 


Bank holding companies are permitted, under Regulation Y, to engage in FCM and CTA activities on both domestic and foreign futures exchanges through separately incorporated non-bank subsidiaries. As a general matter, the non-bank subsidiaries of bank holding companies (and some foreign banks) provide services to unaffiliated customers in the United States under section 4(c)(8) of the Bank Holding Company Act (BHC Act) and to unaffiliated customers outside the United States under Regulation K.9 Banks and the operating subsidiaries of banks usually provide futures-related services to unaffiliated parties in the United States under the general powers of the bank and to unaffiliated parties outside the United States under Regulation K. These various subsidiaries may provide services to affiliates under section 4(c)(1)(C) of the BHC Act. 

Regulation Y permits a bank holding company subsidiary that acts as an FCM to engage in other activities in the subsidiary, including futures advisory services and trading, as well as other permissible securities and derivative activities as defined in sections 225.28(b)(6) (financial and investment advisory activities) and 225.28(b)(7) (agency transactional services for customer investments). Section 225.28(b)(7) specifically authorizes FCMs to provide agency services for unaffiliated persons in execution, clearance, or execution and clearance of any futures contract and option on a futures contract traded on an exchange in the United States and abroad. It also includes the authority to engage in other agency-type transactions, (for example, risk-less principal), involving a forward contract, option, future, option on a future, and similar instruments. Furthermore, this section codifies the longstanding prohibition against a parent bank holding company's issuing any guarantees or otherwise becoming liable to an exchange or clearinghouse for transactions effected through an FCM, except for the proprietary trades of the FCM and those of affiliates. 

A well-capitalized and well-managed bank holding company, as defined in sections 225.2(r) and (s) of Regulation Y, respectively, may commence activities as an FCM or a CTA by filing a notice prescribed under section 225.23(a) of Regulation Y. Bank holding companies that are not eligible to file notices or wish to act in a capacity other than as an FCM or CTA, such as a commodities pool operator, must follow the specific application process for these activities. Examiners should ensure that all of these activities are conducted in accordance with the Board's approval order. 

A bank holding company, bank, or FBO parent company of an FCM is expected to establish specific risk parameters and other limits and controls on the brokerage operation. These limits and controls should be designed to manage financial risk to the consolidated organization and should be consistent with its business objectives and overall willingness to assume risk. 


Institutions frequently transact business on foreign exchanges as either exchange or clearinghouse members or through third-party brokers that are members of the foreign exchange. The risks of doing business in foreign markets generally parallel those in U.S. markets; however, some unique issues of doing business on foreign futures exchanges must be addressed by the FCM and its parent company to ensure that the activity does not pose undue risks to the consolidated financial organization. 

Before doing business on a foreign exchange, an FCM should understand the legal and operational differences between the foreign exchange and U.S. exchanges. For example, the FCM should know about local business practices and legal precedents that pertain to business in the foreign market. In addition, the FCM should know how the foreign exchange is regulated and how it manages risk, and should develop policies and the appropriate operational infrastructure of controls, procedures, and personnel to manage these risks. Accordingly, examiners should confirm that, in considering whether and how to participate in a foreign market, an FCM performs due diligence on relevant legal and regulatory issues, as well as on local business practices. Foreign-exchange risks should be understood and authorized by the FCM's parent company, and any limits set by the parent company or FCM management should be carefully monitored. The FCM and its parent company also should assess the regulatory and financial risks associated with exchange and clearinghouse membership in a foreign market, including an understanding of the extent to which the foreign clearinghouse monitors and controls day-to-day credit risk and its loss-sharing requirements. 


 In general, FCMs face five basic categories of risk-credit risk, market risk, liquidity risk, reputation risk, and operations risk. The following discussions highlight specific considerations in evaluating the key elements of sound risk management as they relate to these risks. The compliance and internal-controls functions provide the foundation for managing the risks of an FCM. 

Credit Risk

FCMs encounter a number of different types of credit risks. The following discussions identify some of these risks and discuss sound risk-management practices applicable to each. 

Customer-Credit Risk 

Customer-credit risk is the potential that a customer will fail to meet its variation margin calls or its payment or delivery obligations. An FCM should establish a credit-review process for new customers that is independent of the marketing and sales function. It is not unusual for the FCM's parent company (or banking affiliate) to perform the credit evaluation and provide the necessary internal approvals for the FCM to execute and clear futures contracts for particular customers. In some situations, however, the FCM may have the authority to perform the credit review internally. Examiners should determine how customers are approved and confirm that documentation in the customer's credit files is adequate even when the approval is performed by the parent. Customer-credit files should indicate the scope of the credit review and contain approval of the customer's account and credit limits. For example, customer-credit files may contain recent financial statements, sources of liquidity, trading objectives, and any other pertinent information used to support the credit limits established for the customer. In addition, customer-credit files should be updated periodically. 

FCM procedures should describe how customer-credit exposures will be identified and controlled. For example, an FCM could monitor a customer's transactions, margin settlements, or open positions as a means of managing the customer's credit risk. Moreover, procedures should be in place to handle situations in which the customer has exceeded credit limits. These procedures should give senior managers who are independent of the sales and marketing function the authority to approve limit exceptions and require that such exceptions be documented. 

Customer-Financing Risk 

Several exchanges, particularly in New York and overseas, allow FCMs to finance customer positions. These exchanges allow an FCM to lend initial and variation margin to customers subject to taking the capital charges under the CFTC's (or SEC's) capital rules if the charges are not repaid within three business days. In addition, some exchanges allow FCMs to finance customer deliveries, again subject to a capital charge. 

An FCM providing customer-financing services should adopt financing policies and procedures that identify customer-credit standards. The financing policies should be approved by the parent company and should be consistent with the FCM's risk tolerance. In addition, an FCM should establish overall lending limits for each customer based on a credit review that is analogous to that performed by a bank with similar lending services. The process should be independent of the FCM's marketing, sales, and financing functions but may be performed by the FCM's banking affiliate. Examiners should determine how customer-financing decisions are made and confirm that documentation is adequate, even when an affiliate approves the financing. In addition, the FCM should review financial information on its customers periodically and adjust lending limits when appropriate. 

Clearing-Only Risk 

FCMs often enter into agreements to clear, but not execute, trades for customers. Under a ''clearing-only'' arrangement, the customer gives its order directly to an executing FCM. The executing FCM then gives the executed transaction to the clearing FCM, which is responsible for accepting and settling the transaction. Customers often prefer this arrangement because it provides the benefits of centralized clearing (recordkeeping and margin payments) with the flexibility of using a number of specialized brokers to execute transactions. 

FCMs entering into clearing-only arrangements execute written give-up agreements, which are tri-party contracts that set forth the responsibilities of the clearing FCM, the executing FCM, and the customer. Most FCMs use the uniform give-up agreement prepared by the Futures Industry Association, although some FCMs still use their own give-up contracts. The uniform give-up agreement permits a clearing FCM, upon giving prior notice to the customer and the executing FCM, to place limits or conditions on the transactions it will accept to clear or terminate the arrangement. If an executed transaction exceeds specified limits, the FCM may decline to clear the transaction unless it is acting as the qualifying or primary clearing FCM for the customer and has not given prior notice of termination, as discussed further below. 

Clearing-only arrangements can present significant credit risks for an FCM. An FCM's risk-management policies and procedures for clearing-only activities should address the qualifications required of clearing-only customers and their volume of trading, the extent to which customer-trading activities can be monitored by the clearing-FCM at particular exchanges, and how aggregate risk will be measured and managed. 

The FCM should establish trading limits for each of its clearing-only customers and have procedures in place to monitor their intraday trading exposures. The FCM should take appropriate action to limit its liability if a clearing only customer has exceeded acceptable trading limits either by reviewing and approving a limit exception or by rejecting the trade. Examiners should confirm that the FCM formally advises (usually in the give-up agreement) its customers and their executing FCMs of the trading parameters established for the customer. Examiners should also confirm that the FCM personnel responsible for accepting or rejecting an executed trade for clearance have sufficient current information to determine whether the trade is consistent with the customer's trading limits. Give-up agreements (or other relevant documents such as the customer account agreement) should permit the FCM to adjust the customer's transaction limits when appropriate in light of market conditions or changes in the customer's financial condition. 

Some FCMs act as the primary clearing firm (also referred to as the sponsoring or qualifying firm) for customers. A primary clearing firm guarantees to the clearinghouse that it will accept and clear all trades submitted by the customer or executing FCM, even if the trade is outside the agreed-on limits. Because an FCM is obligated to accept and clear all trades submitted by its primary clearing customers, the FCM must be able to monitor its customers' trading activities on an intraday basis for compliance with agreed-on trading limits. Monitoring is especially important during times of market stress. The FCM should be ready and able to take immediate steps to address any unacceptable risks that arise, for example, by contacting the customer to obtain additional margin or other assurances, approving a limit exception, taking steps to liquidate open customer positions, or giving appropriate notice of termination of the clearing arrangement to enable the FCM to reject future transactions. 

Intraday monitoring techniques will vary depending on the technology available at the particular exchange. A number of the larger, more automated U.S. exchanges have developed technologies that permit multiple intraday collection, matching, and reporting of trades- although the frequency of such reconciliations varies. On exchanges that are less automated, the primary clearing FCM must develop procedures for monitoring clearing-only risks. For example, the FCM could maintain a significant physical presence on the trading floor to monitor customer trading activities and promote more frequent collection (and tallying) of trade information from clearing-only customers. The resources necessary for such monitoring obviously will depend on the physical layout of the exchange-the size of the trading floor and the number of trading pits, the floor population and daily trading volumes, and the level of familiarity the FCM has with the trading practices and objectives of its primary clearing customers. The FCM should be able to increase its floor presence in times of market stress. 

Carrying-Broker Risk 

An FCM may enter into an agreement with another FCM to execute and clear transactions on behalf of the first FCM (typically, when the first FCM is not an exchange or clearing member of an exchange). In such cases, the FCM seeking another or carrying FCM to execute its transactions should have procedures for reviewing the creditworthiness of the carrying FCM. If the FCM reasonably expects that the carrying FCM will use yet another FCM to clear its transactions (for example, if the carrying FCM enters into its own carrying-broker relationship with another firm for purposes of executing or clearing transactions on another exchange), the first FCM should try to obtain an indemnification from the carrying FCM for any losses incurred on these transactions. When carrying transactions occur on a foreign exchange, an FCM should know about the legal ramifications of the carrying relationship under the rules of the exchange and laws of the host country. Moreover, it may be appropriate for an FCM to reach an agreement with its customers that addresses liabilities relative to transactions effected on a non-U.S. exchange by a carrying broker. 

Executing-FCM Risk 

When an FCM uses an unaffiliated FCM to execute customer transactions under a give-up arrangement, the clearing firm that sponsors the executing FCM guarantees its performance. Therefore, the first FCM should review the subcontracting risk of its executing FCMs and their sponsoring clearing firms. However, unlike the clearing risk inherent in a carrying-broker relationship, the subcontracting risk for an FCM using an executing FCM is limited to transaction risk (execution errors). An FCM's management should approve each executing broker it uses, considering the broker's reputation for obtaining timely executions and the financial condition of its sponsoring clearing firm. 

Pit-Broker Risk 

Usually, FCMs will subcontract the execution of their orders to unaffiliated pit brokers who accept and execute transactions for numerous FCMs during the trading day. The risk associated with using a pit broker is similar to that of using an executing broker: the risk is limited to the broker's performance in completing the transaction. If the pit broker fails, then the primary clearing firm is responsible for completing the transaction. Therefore, an FCM should approve each pit broker it uses, considering the pit broker's reputation for obtaining timely executions and the resources of its sponsoring clearing firm. 

Clearinghouse Risk 

Clearinghouse risk is the potential that a clearinghouse will require a member to meet loss-sharing assessments caused by another clearing member's failure. Before authorizing membership in an exchange or clearinghouse, an FCM's board of directors and its parent company must fully understand the initial and ongoing regulatory and financial requirements for members. The FCM's board of directors should approve membership in a clearinghouse only after a thorough consideration of the financial condition, settlement and default procedures, and loss-sharing requirements of the clearinghouse. 

Particularly when it is considering membership in a foreign exchange or clearinghouse, an FCM's board should examine any regulatory and legal precedents related to how the exchange, clearinghouse, or host country views loss-sharing arrangements. As in the United States, some foreign clearinghouses have unlimited loss-sharing requirements, and some have ''limited'' requirements that are set at very high percentages. However, the loss-sharing provisions of some of the foreign clearinghouses have not yet been applied, which means that there are no legal and regulatory precedents for applying the stated requirements. In addition, the board should be apprised of any differences in how foreign accounts are viewed, for example, whether customer funds are considered separate from those of the FCM, whether the relationship between an FCM and its customer is viewed as an agency rather than a principal relationship, and whether there are material differences in the way futures activities are regulated. 

The board also should be apprised of any material changes in the financial condition of every clearinghouse of which the FCM is a member. Senior management should monitor the financial condition of its clearinghouses as part of its risk-management function. 


FCM parent companies often are asked to provide assurances to customers and clearinghouses that warrant the FCM's performance. These arrangements may take the form of formal guarantees or less formal letters of comfort. 

Under Regulation Y, a bank holding company may not provide a guarantee to a clearinghouse for the performance of the FCM's customer obligations. A bank holding company may provide a letter of comfort or other agreement to the FCM's customers that states the parent (or affiliate) will reimburse the customers' funds on deposit with the FCM if they are lost as a result of the FCM's failure or default. Customers may seek this assurance to avoid losses that could arise from credit exposure created by another customer of the FCM, since the clearinghouse may use some or all of the FCM's customer-segregated funds in the event of a default by the FCM stemming from a failing customer's obligations. they are relevant to calculating the consolidated risk-based capital of the bank holding company. 

Market Risk 

When an FCM acts as a broker on behalf of customers, it generally is only subject to market risk if it executes customers' transactions in error. In this regard, operational problems can expose the FCM to market fluctuations in contract values. However, when an FCM engages in proprietary trading, such as market making and other position-taking, it will be directly exposed to market risk. Potential market-risk exposure should be addressed appropriately in an FCM's policies and procedures. 

An FCM that engages in proprietary trading should establish market-risk and trading parameters approved by its parent company. The FCM's senior management should establish an independent risk-management function to control and monitor proprietary trading activities. Finally, the FCM should institute procedures to control potential conflicts of interest between its brokerage and proprietary trading activities. 

Liquidity Risk 

Liquidity risk is the risk that the FCM will not be able to meet its financial commitments (endof-day and intraday margin calls) to its clearing FCM or clearinghouse. Clearing FCMs are required to establish an account at one of the settlement banks used by the clearinghouse for its accounts and the accounts of its clearing members. In some foreign jurisdictions, the central bank fulfills this settlement function. An FCM should establish and monitor daily settlement limits for its customers and should ensure that there are back-up liquidity facilities to meet any unexpected shortfalls in same-day funds. To ensure the safety of its funds and assets, an FCM should also monitor the financial condition of the settlement bank it has chosen and should be prepared to transfer its funds and assets to another settlement bank, if necessary. 

To control other types of liquidity risks, an FCM should adopt contingency plans for liquidity demands that may arise from dramatic market changes. An FCM, to the extent possible, should monitor the markets it trades in to identify undue concentrations by others that could create an illiquid market, thereby creating a risk that the FCM could not liquidate its positions. Most U.S. clearinghouses monitor concentrations and will contact an FCM that holds more than a certain percentage of the open interest in a product. In some situations, the exchange could sanction or discipline the FCM if it finds that the FCM, by holding the undue concentration, was attempting to manipulate the market. These prudential safeguards may not be in place on foreign exchanges; consequently, an FCM will have to establish procedures to monitor its liquidity risk on those exchanges. 

Reputation Risk FCMs should have reporting procedures in place to ensure that any material events that harm its reputation, and the reputations of its bank affiliates, are brought to the attention of senior management; the FCM's board of directors; and, when appropriate, its parent company. Reports of potentially damaging events should be sent to senior management at the parent bank holding company who will evaluate their effect on the FCM to determine what, if any, steps should be taken to mitigate the impact of the event on the whole organization. 

Commodity Trading Advisor 

Acting as a commodity trading advisor (including providing discretionary investment advice to retail and institutional customers or commodity pools) may pose reputational and litigation risks to a CTA or FCM, particularly when retail customers are involved. Accordingly, the FCM's board should adopt policies and procedures addressing compliance with CFTC and NFA sales-practice rules (including compliance with the know-your-customer recordkeeping rules). 

Operations Risk 

Operations risk is the potential that deficiencies in information systems or internal controls will result in unexpected loss. Some specific sources of operating risk at FCMs include inadequate procedures, human error, system failure, or fraud. For FCMs, failure to assess or control operating risks accurately can be a likely source of problems.

 Adequate internal controls are the first line of defence in controlling the operations risks involved in FCM activities. Internal controls that ensure the separation of duties involving account acceptance, order receipt, execution, confirmation, margin processing, and accounting are particularly important. 

An FCM's approved policies should specify documentation requirements for transactions and formal procedures for saving and safeguarding important documents, consistent with legal requirements and internal policies. Relevant personnel should fully understand documentation requirements. Examiners should also consider the extent to which institutions evaluate and control operations risks through internal audits, contingency planning, and other managerial and analytical techniques. 

Back-office or transaction-processing operations are an important source of operations-risk exposures. In conducting reviews of back-office operations, examiners should consult the appropriate chapters of this manual for further guidance. 

Operations risk also includes potential losses from computer and communication systems that are unable to handle the volume of FCM transactions, particularly in periods of market stress. FCMs should have procedures that address the operations risks of these systems, including contingency plans to handle systems failures and back-up facilities for critical parts of risk management, communications, and accounting systems. 

When FCMs execute or clear transactions in non-financial commodities, they may have to take delivery of a commodity because a customer is unable or unwilling to make or take delivery on its contract. To address this situation, the FCM should have in place the procedures it will follow to terminate its position and avoid dealing in physical commodities. Internal controls should also be established to record, track, and resolve errors and discrepancies with customers and other parties. 


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